SunSDR2 EESDR2, EESDR3 CW delay solution
For Windows PCs, the sound delay is very high for real-time sound processing applications due to the motherboard sound card. Usually a very expensive external or where possible (desktop workstation) internal professional ASIO capable sound card is required.
Another solution, but far from perfect, is to use ASIO4ALL, which improves the delay somewhat. Most PCs are equipped with Realtek motherboard sound cards.
The solution is very simple: install a Realtek ASIO driver, which solves the delay problems. For some reason, the manufacturer has not properly published an ASIO driver. You need to install it. I have tested it and it can produce delay values similar to cards with a professional external ASIO driver.
Most laptops have a Realtek motherboard card, I tested it on that too and it works perfectly.
I found the ASIO driver in the package for DELL laptops, but it is not automatically installed in DELL laptops either, the tricky thing is that when you start the driver package installation it does not install, when you unzip it it also creates an ASIO directory, in the directory is the Realtek factory ASIO installer. This needs to be installed separately, after which another audio device called ASIO: Realtek ASIO will appear on the machine.
This must be selected in e.g. the ExpertSDR software. In the case of ExpertSDR, using an ASIO driver will also reduce the load on the CPU. It can also be used in other SDR or audio processing software.
In ExpertSDR Remote mode on Windows machines without an ASIO driver the latency is very high so the use of an ASIO driver is highly recommended.
I have included the installation kit as a separate download. Good luck with your use.